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MCA ( Missed Call Alert )


Missed Call Alert mobile subscribers about calls they've missed while their phone was off, or out of the coverage area. A substantial number of subscribers rely on their phone as a business tool.

When the subscriber becomes available, Missed Call Alert sends a SMS alert of the missed call and identifies the calling party's telephone number.


SMS Notification

1. SMS send to number of called subscriber
2. Called user is cannot connect condition( busy, power off, or out of the service area)
3. Calling user select SMS remind

USSD Notification

1. Number of calling user and called user
2. Called user is cannot connect condition, like busy, switch off, not in service area, cannot answer
3. System play IVR voice remind, and select reminds method
4. Calling user select USSD remind
5. When user's in normal condition, system propelling movement a USSD message, content the content is you have a miss call